Online GCSE Courses

We are proud to have a 100% pass rate for GCSEs. Results are important but so is choice. We believe that as far as possible, within the framework of GCSE study, there should be flexibility and choice offered to all of our students.

Choosing subjects at this stage of learning can feel daunting and like a ‘one-chance’ opportunity to get it right. We view this process rather differently and prefer to build in options that will ensure students complete the right number of subjects, in a realistic time-frame.

The number of GCSEs a student takes is not a ‘one size fits all’ scenario. Students and parents often have a range of different questions about the decision-making process. We offer advice based on the needs of your child as a learner to ensure we establish a pathway through their education that is supported, creative and engaging. This is the start of a journey that will continue throughout school and it can be a time of worry and concern over making the right choices.

Introduction: Why Wendover Online School?


Interactive Learning

Students quickly become interactive learners on screen and paper under Wendover Online School's experienced guidelines.


Growth Mindset

We encourage our students to develop a growth, rather than fixed mindset - to try new things and ask questions with confidence.


Hands-on Learning

We inspire confidence and creativity with practical experiences as much as possible. Sciences and arts are taught along with extra curricular subjects.


Dedicated Support

Our weekly one-to-one 20 minute tutorials and group tutorials encourage students to share skills and interest with teachers and fellow students.

Portrait of Jude Richardson, Director of Teaching & Learning at Wendover Online School

Welcome to studying GCSEs with Wendover Online School

Our programmes are devised to ensure that every individual can reach their potential and enjoy their learning process. We believe that as far as possible, within the framework of GCSE study, there should be flexibility and choice offered to all of our students.

Choosing subjects at this stage of learning can feel daunting and like a ‘one chance’ opportunity to get it right. We view this process rather differently and prefer to build in options that will ensure students complete the right number of subjects, in a realistic time frame.

The number of GCSEs a student takes is not a ‘one size fits all’ scenario. Students and parents often have a range of different questions about the decision making process. We offer advice based on the needs of your child as a learner to ensure we establish a pathway through their education that is supported, creative and engaging.

This is the start of a journey that will continue throughout school and it can be a time of worry and concern over making the right choices. 

Jude Richardson 

Director of Teaching & Learning

Online GCSE Timetable

Sample of Online GSCE Courses Timetable, year 10

Wendover Online School is a great way of learning. I feel I learn much more than I did in my old school because there are no distractions and the teachers are great. The classes are relaxed and friendly and we get to chat while still working hard.”

Sammy, Student

Online GCSE prospectus

Flip through our prospectus below or click the 3 dots to view additional options including download.

A British Curriculum

Please download our curriculum from the website to see how we ensure a personalised programme for each of our students.

The curriculum explains:

  • Subjects taught, skills development and lesson duration
  • Homework, self-study and assessments
  • Reports, communication and tutorials
  • Size of teaching group, independence in learning and induction
British Curriculum

The education with Wendover Online School is truly focused on the needs of the individual child and with small classes has the flexibility to adjust to their needs. The rate at which our child accelerated with their learning in a way she enjoyed was significant

Michelle, Parent

Online GCSE Subjects

Finding an exam centre and entering exams.

Our dedicated and experienced Wendover Exams Officer is here to take the strain off you for exams entries; to support you by finding an appropriate exam centre and helping you to enter.

At the beginning of your course, our Exam Officer will make contact to discover your requirements and start the process of finding a centre. Centres may be dedicated to private candidates, or they may be within a school setting. 

It is important to make exam entries at the beginning of the second year of the course in order to have the widest choice of centres.

Our exam officer has experience in placing our students in the best possible setting for them, including Home Invigilation in some exceptional cases.

Access Arrangements Wendover Online School GCSE Courses

Access arrangements

Students may require access arrangements for their exams. Access arrangements may include extra time, smaller rooms, rest breaks and use of a laptop.

Our SENCo and Exams Officer work together with the exam centre to collate the evidence needed to complete Form 8 (the request to the exam board for access arrangements).

Evidence for this form may include a “Normal Way of Working” letter, as well as other supporting documents from the school.

Explore our online school with a taster lesson

Please schedule an appointment. We are happy to answer your questions and arrange a taster lesson, and can set up a preliminary English test for children whose native language is not English.

We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant and effective online school!

Find out more about studying GCSEs with Wendover Online School