The gift of confidence, and why it matters

How Wendover develops the self-esteem that will help pupils throughout their lives

rachel-smith-oxford-education-onlineA confident child is more likely to be happy and successful; more likely to win friends, take calculated risks and cope well with challenges. So how can we help all children develop the confidence that will sustain them throughout their lives? 

Rachel Smith, Head of Pastoral Care at Wendover Online School, explains how this online school works with every child to build confidence from the start. 

Providing support and encouragement 

Despite any bravado, many children are fragile and vulnerable. They need to feel encouraged and supported by the adults around them. If and when things just don’t go right they have the tools to pick themselves up and try again. 

“At Wendover we work hard to build a relationship of trust with our pupils,” says Rachel. “We all remember that pit in the stomach when things go wrong, so we create a community where children feel able to try, and can cope with varying degrees of success. With the right support and encouragement we see pupils thrive.” 

Resolving problems 

Online learning is well-suited to providing the more focussed help that delivers confident learners. Rachel explains that rather than being fearful of making mistakes, children can work at their own pace with the support of teachers who understand them:  

“Our small class sizes mean we can vary our practical approach to stimulate visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners in ways that aid memory and comprehension. Our pupils know that this is a safe learning environment and quickly learn that mistakes are an opportunity to resolve problems. This is a huge confidence-builder.”

Why confidence matters 

Students who enjoy their learning are far more relaxed – they can understand and apply their knowledge more readily and are not so fearful of ‘having a go’. At Wendover we find that this growing confidence is reflected in every aspect of their lives.  From building stronger friendships to testing their skills in sports or the artsWhen children are comfortable about their learning the benefit spills across their lives. It enhances their understanding and their ability to respond to all manner of challenges. 

Confidence and self-esteem 

Like the rest of society, many young people struggle with their mental health. This is due in part to the stresses of social media and the pandemic. Staff at Wendover work hard to develop secure teacher-student relationships. Learners are helped to enjoy their classes as well as their hobbies and other interests, and learn to be successful step by step.  

“We encourage all students to spend time with a tutor who provides one-to-one support and encouragement,” confirms Rachel. “Our tutors reinforce learning by understanding the student’s interests and hobbies and valuing the things that they enjoy – our curriculum and our community work together to develop confidence and self-esteem.” 

Humility and understanding 

Alongside confidence Wendover strives to teach humility, so that pupils understand the needs of others too and do not become selfish. Students know that we are all on their learning journey together. Mutual support means helping others grow in confidence too. 

The gift of confidence 

Rachel feels passionately that confidence is at the heart of all learning, and key to Wendover’s success.  

“We see children who won’t admit they have struggled in a school environment. After a few weeks with Wendover explain they feel more relaxed, that their opinions matter, and they can’t believe how much they have learned in a short time. We have instilled a confidence in them which is reaping huge benefits, and will continue for life.  

What greater gift can we give your child?”

If you’d like to hear more about the learning experience at Wendover, please give us a call on +44 1604 213 477 or email us on[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
