Online school delivers success for elite athletes

How our personalised lessons release time for training and competitions

Freedom from physical classrooms can be a game changer for elite athletes. With busy training schedules, competitions and travel, it’s hard to make sure that young athletes still have time for schoolwork – especially when important exams like GCSE and A-levels are close.

That’s why parents of elite young athletes choose online education with Wendover. By rethinking the way we deliver education, Wendover helps elite athletes and their families build a more sustainable lifestyle that breeds success in both education and sport.

A school that fits arounds sports and training schedules

Student life can revolve entirely around formal education, leaving young athletes to cram activities such as sport and training commitments into the gaps. At Wendover, we think differently. Our expert online team can work with each student and their family to draw up an individual timetable that will work for them.

By building education around their training schedules, we free elite young athletes like Freddy to follow their passions. Freddy and his family agreed that he could prioritise his tennis career during his crucial GCSE year (Year 11) provided that we could work out a lesson timetable that would fit around tennis. It worked! Freddy was delighted to gain academic success alongside achieving his sporting and athletic dreams.

Train and learn when it suits you best

For young athletes, the move to online learning can be transformational. Free to train with coaches and their teams when needed, they can then be available for school at times when they are in the right frame of mind to learn.

With flexible timetables, small group lessons or a completely bespoke one-to-one plan, we can schedule lessons to fit your child’s time zone, wherever in the world they may be. Our students come online from training centres, their homes or even whilst travelling: school works around their lives.


Flexible study options for full-time or part-time students

Online learning gives families the flexibility to choose what and how their children study. Our full-time programme can be fitted into mornings, holidays and weekends. Part time study can be helpful for key exams and scholarships, or to boost performance.

For elite young athletes, this range of options can help them stay on track for crucial exams whilst simultaneously finding sporting success. Take Ivo, football mad and lacking motivation to study. By working with his family to tailor subject choices, and finding inspiration from expert online teachers, Ivo was able to secure the GCSE grades he needed to secure his place at his dream academy.

Improved performance for elite young athletes

We know that elite athletes face added pressures on their time, mind and body. Away from the friction and practical challenges of bricks and mortar schools, online students quickly learn to manage their time, set goals and build resilience within a supportive environment.

Our online learning is delivered by expert subject teachers skilled in nurturing and inspiring students. With small class sizes, Wendover’s teachers get to know their pupils well and can quickly spot any difficulties. Lessons are paced to suit the students, and we find that this quickly builds the confidence that will help them in every aspect of their lives.

Teamwork in education

At Wendover, we work as part of your team, helping your child to succeed in both their educational and sporting ambitions. We nurture the life skills that help elite young athletes do their best, and look out for their emotional wellbeing too.

Above all, we are proud of our track record of helping young sportsmen and women – and their families – achieve happy, well-balanced lives.

Download our sports prospectus now to find out more about our success in educating elite young athletes online.

Download our prospectus for elite athletes
