From our Principal

Principal of Wendover Online School Sarah Bacon shares her pride in student progress.

The story of our online school is really a story of individual achievement. As we reach the end of the school year, we see how much our students have progressed, both in terms of their education and their character. Wendover and our pupils have much to celebrate!


Preparing for British examinations

Year 11 students are already starting to take examinations at their local centres, organised and supported by our Admin team. Learning from subject-specific teachers, and with support from small group and individual tutorials, our online students have acquired good study and essay-writing skills and are well-prepared for their International GCSEs and A-levels.

Many of our students come to us having struggled with specific subjects, or needing a boost after home schooling or pandemic breaks. It is fantastic to see how well they adapt to our personalised education, and are now on course to do much better in their exams.

Making the right choice of course

Right across the school we make it a priority to give students ownership of their learning journey. Pupils can choose to study from a wide range of subjects with expert teachers, so we help them find the course that will work best for them.

This year we have trialled half-termly ‘electives’ which give Year 9 pupils the opportunity to experience subjects like Business Studies, Computer Science and Psychology before committing to the course. The scheme has been popular with pupils, parents and staff, so we will continue to develop this effective tool to help empower our pupils and guide them in making decisions on their future.

Building life beyond school

Our ethos at Wendover is to develop each student as a rounded individual, with good learning skills and attributes that will help them lead happy and successful lives. Our teachers are always happy to hear about pupils’ achievements and hobbies outside school and of course our personalised timetables allow plenty of scope for extra-curricular activities.

We have been helping our Year 12 cohort with their university applications, including support from our Oxbridge Specialist. UCAS applications now take into account a wide range of achievements outside formal academic qualifications. Wendover offers individual music tuition and we are exploring ways to encourage other activities, including an exciting partnership with Lumiere. This world class research programme gives our Year 11-13 students the opportunity to write a research paper under the guidance of a doctoral student from a leading university.

Our online school is thriving

Wendover Online School is going from strength to strength – we have tripled our student numbers in the last year and our staff team has grown to meet the strong demand for personalised online learning. We continue to attract a range of students from abroad and in the UK; educated at home, in state or private schools, and all have settled in well.

We are particularly pleased to receive resounding praise at our Parents’ Mornings. Feedback this term was fabulous, and it was wonderful to hear that not only are our pupils learning successfully, but they are also enjoying their education.

Sharing our progress

I look forward to sharing more news with you as our school and its pupils develop. Meanwhile I am always happy to discuss our online learning system and how we can help your family build education around your life.

If you would like to discuss how Wendover Online School can help your family build education around your lives, download our Prospectus or give us a call on +44 1604 213 477 or email on

