Pupil Spotlight: From home schooling to GCSE success

How Wendover built created a positive educational experience 

Who did we help? 

Amelie became disenchanted with school at an early age, so was educated at home with the support of a tutor through to the end of Year 10. But both she and her parents were anxious that without extra help she would struggle to gain the five GCSEs needed to achieve her goals. 


Wendover’s solution 

Amelie’s parents approached Wendover Online School to find out whether we could tailor online classes to help her gain five good GCSEs within the short time (a summer holiday and one academic year) available. Amelie was inspired afresh by the new courses and approach, and smashed her target grades in this summer’s exams! 

How we turned around Amelie’s experience of formal education  

It was clear that online education would be the right solution for Amelie. It allowed her gently to get used to learning from a selection of experienced teachers, and to enjoy the holistic support offered by a caring team with small classes. 

“I felt supported right from the start,” says Amelie, who began one-to-one lessons in the summer before joining small classes for Year 11 lessons in her chosen subjects. “After meeting with the Principal, Sarah Bacon, my parents were full of enthusiasm for Wendover, and both Sarah and Jude (Jude Richardson is Director of Teaching & Learning) could not have been more welcoming.” 

You would think that Amelie might have been worried about her first lesson, but thanks to Wendover’s comprehensive advice and support, and a focus on tailoring education to individual need, Amelie says she felt fully equipped to start her new learning journey.  

“I started small, which really helped – one or two lessons a day through the summer holidays meant I was confident that this would work. By the time I joined a small group of five in September I was thoroughly enjoying learning with Wendover and knew I was making real progress.” 

Choosing the right GCSE subjects 

In addition to English Language, English Literature and Maths, Amelie decided in discussion with the experts at Wendover that Business Studies and Biology would be helpful to her future plans. Initially unsure about Business Studies, she found the subject really stimulating and by the end of the year it was her strongest subject. 

As for Biology, this was suggested because Amelie is a real horse-lover. She has four horses of her own and plans to follow Equine Studies for the next two years, before going on perhaps to become a professional nanny in a family with horses. 


Achieving a work/life balance 

For someone used to home schooling, it was important that Amelie found time to pursue her interests outside education. The Wendover system turned out to be ideal: Amelie’s lessons were always over by lunchtime, meaning there was plenty of time for her to ride and look after her horses, and Amelie says the school have always been interested in and supportive of her life outside school. 

Practical success 

Amelie struggles to find anything but praise for Wendover, despite her longstanding reservations about formal education. She found that she made good friendships with her online classmates, and working in pairs on projects seemed no different than it might be in person. Practical experiments in Biology caused fun on the students’ WhatsApp group, as their cress seeds died or other projects took interesting directions, and Amelie says she never felt alone.  

Formal examinations meant a trip to the nearest examination centre, but Amelie says this was all taken care of by Wendover. Mocks are taken under exam conditions, with parents printing out the papers privately so that they are unseen by the student until the timed mock session, when students sit with a camera on their work to provide oversight. “I felt well prepared for my exams,” confirms Amelie, “and Jude sent me supportive messages and was there at the end of the phone if needed. Wendover really gave me the understanding and the confidence to do my best.” 

Congratulations to Amelie on her GCSEs  

After little more than a year with Wendover, Amelie had transitioned from home schooling to GCSE success when she achieved brilliant results in her exams this summer, including Grade 9 in Business. We are delighted to have helped Amelie and her family achieve the exam success that allows her to pursue her dreams. Congratulations Amelie! 

If you would like to find out more about our GCSE programme or how Wendover tailors learning to help individual pupils achieve their goals, please give us a call on +44 1604 213 477 or email us on enquiries@wendoverschool.com.
