Poetry Week

At the end of November all full-time students aged 7-13 took part in Wendover’s first Poetry Week. During the first session of the week all students and teachers came together to hear me talk about different styles of poetry, read some of my favourite poems and explain the outline for the week.

What kids really think about online schooling!


Indi, Max and Leon joined Wendover Online School after a family move to Spain. Three siblings studying online at home – Is this a recipe for disaster? Was it difficult to transition from school to learning online?

What teachers think!


We ask two of our teachers about their experience of teaching online compared to a traditional classroom setting. Find out what our teachers think about the differences and advantages that come from this approach.

This is way better than school!


Education is the essential back-up plan all talented athletes need to schedule into their busy lives. Preparing for vital exams such as GCSEs can be a challenge of its own but more so when following a sports programme where your heart really lies.

The Launch of our Virtual School


In the UK almost 60,000 pupils are home-schooled every year and this number is increasing. Home schooling used to mean parents being the teachers! But more and more parents are moving away from being the educational providers and are looking towards an online solution and well, this is how we started.