Successful international partnerships for education online

How Wendover Online School supports international schools

Wendover’s international partnerships delivering personalised online lessons are an ideal solution for overseas students. We tailor our timetable to teach the subjects international students need, at a time that works for them. Our small classes of up to six pupils build a strong and effective learning environment, where we take care of every child’s education and wellbeing.

Wendover Online School has a rapidly growing reputation for excellence in our collaborations with international schools. In partnership with overseas schools, our specialist teachers deliver a full and varied British curriculum.

In this blog, we’ll share how Wendover Online School supports international schools worldwide, taking The British International School Ukraine as an example.

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International partnerships with schools in different circumstances.

Wendover has been working for two years with The British International School Ukraine (BISU), which has a long history of successfully offering the British curriculum, since 1997. But the ongoing war has dramatically impacted millions of lives, including the ability to deliver education as usual.

However, BISU stands out as the only international school in Ukraine to have continued operating since 1st September, 2022.

This remarkable achievement speaks volumes about BISU’s resilience, and the power of collaboration with trusted experts like Wendover in overcoming adversity.

“The war means that we have fewer staff on the ground in areas like Kyiv,” says Pamela Farah, International Academic Director at BISU. “Our partnership with Wendover allows us to continue to offer all the subjects we would normally – keeping our students learning and maintaining some vital sense of normality.”

How does Wendover work alongside an international school partner?

Wendover works flexibly with partner schools to ensure that students have the best possible support, whatever the circumstances.
“Our overriding aim is to treat each child as an individual, helping them to do the best they can, whilst caring for their overall wellbeing,” says Sarah Bacon, Wendover’s Principal. “We work with schools like BISU to deliver excellent online teaching, supported by strong channels of communication to pick up and solve any issues quickly and effectively.”

Communication is key to caring for individual students

Good communications are vital to ensure high quality learning, and for the high level of personalised care shown by staff at Wendover.

Leaders at both schools meet weekly to discuss how the online education system is working. “Our key focus is high quality education – that is the driver for BISU’s collaboration with Wendover,” says Pamela. “We have a strong and trusting relationship with Sarah and her team, and we are constantly reflecting and evolving. It is a highly successful partnership.” This success can be seen in many areas, including a significant improvement in BISU students’ English language skills, and the successful transition of all Year 9 students to the IGCSE programme.

A larger team also meets weekly to discuss individual students and their progress. Extra contacts via WhatsApp groups and phone calls ensure that everyone is aware of changing circumstances, so steps can be taken to support any child who is struggling intellectually or emotionally.

Pamela is particularly impressed by the personalised education and care of the team at Wendover, which has led to high levels of trust between students and their online teachers. “Everyone at Wendover really cares for our students. It’s not just about education – they genuinely care about our students and want to help them succeed as much as we do. That’s key for us.”

How does an international school partnership work in practice?

Partnerships vary, but let’s look at how our online teaching of BISU’s Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students works in practice.

Small class sizes

At Wendover, every class is small, with no more than six pupils. So, for a larger year group, we split the pupils into smaller classes. 

In this case, we split students according to their English language skills, so that the teachers could teach each group at their own level.

Throughout the course of this collaboration, we have adapted to the needs of individual students. As their language skills increase, or if they might be happier with different students, Wendover and BISU liaise to move students between classes.

On the ground support

Online learning is only effective if the student is engaged and active. BISU expects its students to turn up in the physical classroom whenever possible, be in uniform, be respectful and do their homework. Staff physically in the classroom check that students are online and in their lessons. They are in constant contact with Wendover staff, so there is always a quick solution if problems arise.

In a world where air raid sirens are a daily occurrence, it can be crucial to understand when a child needs extra help. Working together in this way, the teams at Wendover and BISU can focus on individual pupils and put strategies in place to help them through.

Working with the parents of pupils at international schools

Care is taken to ensure that the parents understand how Wendover and BISU are working together to support their children. At the start of the academic year, parent information sessions are set up to introduce key staff at Wendover, explain that these professionals are ready and able to help BISU students, and will be in constant contact with the school.

Wendover teachers prepare reports for parents, and Form Tutors meet online with them every term. Parents evenings take place in person between BISU staff and parents where possible. Throughout the year there is a constant flow of information, so that parents are kept fully informed on their child’s progress and wellbeing, and know who to contact for help.

Successful online international partnerships with schools

Pamela acknowledges that life is difficult for students in Ukraine. At any moment they could be forced to shut their laptop, move to a bomb shelter, and set up again in their lesson. Life is far from normal, but it is important for these children to be occupied and learning, provided that those around them are mindful of their situation. “With that level of care and expertise, the miles between us simply melt away.” 

Wendover Online School works with a number of International Schools to deliver a British education across the miles. If you’d like to find out more about international partnerships, please contact us at
