How we prepare students for public exams

Our personalised exam support gives students the chance to shine

Every student should be proud of their GCSE and A level results, knowing that they have achieved the best grades they can. Parents should be confident that their child has access to all the help and support they need to do their best.

At Wendover Online School, we work with your child to help them achieve their best results in public exams. From expert teaching to personalised exam support, we provide a wealth of resources to ensure that our students are well-prepared when they sit public exams.


Personalised teaching support

All of our online teaching is either one-to-one or in small groups of up to six students, so our teachers build a close relationship with their pupils. In every subject, your child will develop confidence in their understanding, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

This means that our teachers are quick to pick up on any difficulties, and can explain or reinforce learning as the lessons progress. As a result, our students have a much more secure understanding of their subjects than is likely in the larger classrooms of regular schools.

As public exams approach, this individual support is of real benefit to students. Our specialist subject teachers are on hand to answer questions and clarify doubts directly and quickly. So, when it comes to revision, your child has all the knowledge and understanding they need.

Regular progress tests

Regular testing is helpful to ensure that students understand each subject. At Wendover, all our pupils have weekly progress tests to acclimatise them to answering questions under timed conditions. They also have written exams at the end of every term. As we extend the length and complexity of the tests, and progress from known questions to unseen questions, pupils learn to take these in their stride and perform with confidence.

We make sure that our students receive timely feedback on these progress tests so that they can track how they are doing and identify any areas where they need to improve.

Testing also provides valuable feedback for our teachers, helping them to spot where students may be having difficulties. This means we can sort out problems at an early stage, ensuring that students can build on solid understanding throughout their courses.

Revision resources for public exams

Students at Wendover have access to comprehensive revision materials, including online resources and past exam papers. These give our students the chance to practice and consolidate their knowledge effectively.

We also help students by encouraging collaborative discussion and sharing of ideas within group tutorials. This is a useful way to for students to exchange ideas, share resources, and reinforce their understanding. Peer discussions can also help students to overcome any stress or anxiety, as they know that they share the same public exam challenges.

Our comprehensive Easter Revision Programme (which is included in our Year 11 and Year 14 programme) is designed to further consolidate learning. The programme offers targeted revision sessions, exam technique workshops and one-to-one support tailored to the individual needs of our students.

Mock exams

Wendover Online School conducts mock exams in Years 11 and 13 online under exam conditions, so that students can familiarise themselves with the exam format and timing, and learn to cope with the pressure that formal public exams can impose.

We issue an exam schedule and pupils sit their mock exams in a quiet space at home. Parents help us by printing off the exam papers and presenting them to their student under ‘exam conditions’ without access to external help. Pupils write their answers with their video cameras focussed on their work, to provide some extra assurance that there is no interference.

Early mock exams for IGCSEs and A levels take place in December, with a second set of mock exams in March when the syllabus in each subject is largely complete. We find that repeating mock exams is helpful because it alerts students to the need to revise, and provides clear evidence of the progress they can make if they revise effectively. Mocks are in addition to regular progress tests throughout years 10 and 13.

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Guided revision

Effective revision is crucial to doing your best in public exams. Knowing each pupil well, our teachers can help them develop an effective revision strategy tailored to their individual learning style. This may include prioritising specific areas, revising with visual aids or prompts, or a range of study tips.

Wendover pupils have time between mock exams to change the way they revise, or change their focus for the best outcome. Our students always have access to their subject teachers and tutors, so that they have plenty of support to help them get the best from their revision time.

Parent support

We see education as a partnership between the student, their parents and our school. It is important that you know how well your child is doing, and what they need to do to achieve their potential in public examinations.

Following mock exams, we invite parents to a meeting to discuss their child’s grades, progress and what steps the student will need to take over the Easter holidays in final preparation for sitting the IGCSE’s from the end of April onwards. With your help and our support, Wendover students are well placed to do their best in formal examinations.

Teachers work with exam boards

Formal examinations change every year, and our teachers work hard to keep up to date with any developments in the exam format or content. This helps to ensure that our students are well prepared for the specific public exams they will be taking.

Our teachers undertake regular GCSE professional development, working directly with the IGCSE exam board   Cambridge International. The Focus on Assessment course helps to maintain their knowledge, extend their skills and keep them fully updated with any developments for the 2024 exams.

Pupils’ confidence in their own ability

One of our key aims at Wendover is to instil confidence in our students. This includes the confidence to know their capabilities and to try their very best in exams.

Our students are well taught by expert teachers who know each individual and are focussed on helping them understand their subject. By answering questions, offering study tips or providing a range of resources, our teachers help build each student’s confidence in their own knowledge.

This confidence is key to success in formal examinations. Once your child has a secure understanding of their subjects, and has found a revision method that works for them, they are well-equipped to face the challenge of public examinations.

IGCSE and A level success at Wendover

We are proud that many parents are delighted with the achievements of their children, after studying online with Wendover. Even pupils who have previously struggled with learning, or with exams, have a new-found confidence under our ‘whole child’ approach to learning.

This confidence not only leads to achieving their best in IGCSE and A level exams, but also gives pupils a love of learning that stays with them for life.

We’d say that is a great outcome for every child!

To find out more about how your child can achieve the best grades with Wendover,  please contact Jude or Sarah at +44 1604 213 477 or email on

