Helping our students choose their GCSE subjects

How Wendover uses trial lessons and personal understanding to guide option choices

Choosing GCSE subjects is a difficult decision for many pupils. Having studied a broad range of subjects within the British Curriculum until their early teens, they are free to start shaping their own future by choosing GCSE options during Year 9 that they will follow for the two years of Key Stage 4.

At Wendover Online School we make this choice easier for our students by providing a range of information and personal support to help them choose the right mix of subjects to study in Years 10 and 11. Students must choose a minimum of three GCSE options in addition to the compulsory subjects of English Language and Maths.

Wide range of GCSE subject options

We offer flexibility and choice within our GCSE study programmes, aiming to ensure that students reach their potential whilst enjoying learning. There is no restriction on the combination of subjects our students can choose, each of which is offered as an International qualification or IGCSE. For an overview of the main subjects we offer, see our GCSE Prospectus. We also offer tuition in a range of other GCSEs on a one-to-one basis – a particularly popular choice for languages.

Wendover Electives: trial lessons in new GCSE subjects

We believe that one great way in which we can help students choose their options is by providing taster lessons in some of the subjects which they will not have tried before. Even if the students do not choose to pursue these subjects, the learning experience of these trial lessons makes a valuable contribution to their broader education.

At Wendover we have a system of ‘electives’ under which pupils experience a new subject each half term during Year 9, a total of 5 – 6 electives. For one lesson a week they have the chance to participate in lessons such as Psychology, Business Studies or Computer Science and really understand what the subject involves. We can even offer electives for individual pupils if they want to try a subject like Classical Civilisations or a specific foreign language.

These electives provide a great opportunity for pupils to meet the specialist subject teacher and explore how they might feel about the subject, without the pressure of any assessment. Only once these electives are complete are the pupils asked to ‘elect’ the subjects they will pursue at GCSE level.

One-to-one GCSE subject guidance

Like all our pupils, Year 9 students continue to meet weekly with their personal tutor throughout every term. These valuable sessions allow each pupil to have a personal discussion with a teacher who knows them well and can advise on the best options for their individual needs.

Many factors can influence a teenager in their choice of GCSE courses, including:

– Which subjects they most enjoy
– Which subjects they have done best in so far
– Which subjects they might be considering for further study, including A levels
– How many subjects they would like to, or should, study
– What aspirations they may have for a future career
– Subjects that might give them an appropriate breadth of knowledge, or be useful if they change tack in future
– Their personal interests and what excites them both inside and outside formal education.

Wendover’s small class sizes and holistic approach to education mean that this personal relationship with their tutor is deeper and broader than in most schools. Our tutors understand each pupil’s background, interests and progress, so are extremely well-placed to offer informed guidance and support.

Group tutorials

Wendover’s group tutorials also play a role in guiding students, as these provide a useful forum for more general advice about the transition from Key Stage 3 to 4 and the differences they may find in teaching and learning across all subjects. Interacting with older pupils in tutorials also gives our Year 9 pupils choosing options the opportunity to discuss their choices with fellow students, and hear their experiences.

Involving parents

We have strong relationships with parents, who will also be involved in helping their child decide on their GCSE options. A specific meeting to discuss subject choices will usually be arranged in Term 2 of Year 9, when students, parents, the school’s Head of GCSE and Principal will look at student options, check that everyone has the information they need, and offer further help and guidance.

Making GCSE Subject choices easier

At Wendover we are delighted to know our students individually and understand how and why they are making progress, as well as how happy and confident they may be.

This interpersonal relationship means us we can give properly-informed advice and help at every stage, including in the choice of GCSE options and later A levels and university applications.

If you would like to know more about your child’s GCSE options and how to help them choose, please contact Jude or Sarah at +44 1604 213 477 or email on Alternatively, download our GCSE Prospectus.


