The ideal environment for an online Primary education

How Wendover builds confidence and a great attitude to learning

You might think that online education would not work at Primary level. Will children stay engaged enough to learn? What about friendships? Do parents have to sit permanently by their side?

We are delighted to tell you that Wendover Online School’s programme of online Primary education for pupils works a treat! In our rich and supportive environment children are quick to learn the ropes, build rewarding relationships and thrive.

Small class sizes and individualised learning


For children in Years 3 – 6 (Primary Key Stage 2) small class sizes have tremendous benefits. Children at this age are lively and active, and can become disengaged if not personally stimulated. But in classes of no more than six pupils, our online teachers can ensure that every child is paying attention and actively learning.

What is more, children quickly build friendships with their online classmates and across age groups, which helps inspire their learning whilst providing a warm and friendly environment.

Picking up IT and study skills

You need not worry that Primary children will require constant supervision to participate in lessons. Our experience is that children this age quickly grasp the skills needed to join our online community and interact effectively with their teachers and fellow pupils. They are keen to learn, and enjoy sharing their work on screen, on paper and in practical projects.

As parents, you will of course be involved in setting up at the outset and being available to your child, but we find our Primary pupils quickly get caught up in the excitement of online learning and will be eager to share their achievements when lessons are finished!

Developing a ‘growth’ mindset

Our ethos at Wendover is to provide a rich and supportive community which encourages pupils to try new things. In Primary years this helps establish a ‘growth mindset’ where children thrive on challenge and it becomes a positive springboard for growth and development.

Establishing this open approach to learning at an early age make it easier for children to try out new things and ask questions without worrying about looking silly – a mindset that will stand them in good stead throughout their education and indeed their lives.


Rich and varied lessons stimulating for all ages

Our Primary pupils love the variety of learning opportunities available through Wendover. We offer a mix of individual and group teaching methods, including whole school collaborations and the chance to share their individual hobbies with friends and classmates.

Our teachers are always happy to celebrate life outside school and incorporate your child’s special interests into their learning, as we know how important such personal experiences can be in developing rounded individuals.

Pastoral and educational support

We are lucky to be in a position to develop close and supportive relationships with our pupils and their families. For example, we provide weekly one-to-one 20-minute tutorials with every child to support their learning, including chatting about their interests, monitoring their learning and any difficulties, encouraging self-reflection and helping with practical issues.

You will always be able to see how your child is progressing, whether through our full half-termly reports with personal feedback from each of their teachers, or through email updates and WhatsApp groups. Open communications allow us to ensure we provide the right support, and also allow you to share in your child’s progress.

Wendover: a great online Primary education

We find Primary aged children an absolute pleasure to teach online, and parents find Wendover gives them a great start.

If you’d like to find out more about our online education for Key Stage Two, please contact us on +44 1604 213 477 or email on Alternatively, download our Prospectus.

